DSActive Partner Club

A club that offers impairment specific sports sessions in partnership with DSActive; these clubs will have received our coach education workshop.

Southbourne Tennis Club

Southbourne Tennis Club

Southbourne Tennis Club runs inclusive tennis sessions that are specifically for children and adults who have Down’s syndrome as well as a session for adults who have a learning disability.

The sessions are designed to be fun and active, and are available for all abilities.

Sessions can be booked online using this link: Tennis Sessions – Southbourne Tennis Club

Saturday 11.15 am -12 noon Down’s syndrome specific session age 8 – 11 years old.

Saturday  11.30 am -12.25 pm Down’s syndrome specific session age 12 – 19 years old.

Saturday 1.30-2.30 & 2.30-3.30pm Learning disability adult sessions (session time will depend on persons ability level)


Start: 11:15 am, 11:30 am or 1:30 pm/2:30 pm (See above information)
End: 12 noon, 12:25 pm or 2:30 pm/3:30pm (See above information)

8+ Sessions are grouped by age.

Male and female

£6.50 New participants attend the first session free.

Partner Contact Name
Dave Sanger

Partner Contact Email

Session Address
Southbourne Tennis Club
Iford Lane
BH6 5NF Tel: 07812 676761

Get directions in Google Maps