Vinay shares his cooking tips!

This is a guest blog from our colleague at the Down’s Syndrome Association, Vinay. He is a very keen cook and we always enjoy hearing about his new recipes.

Here are Vinay’s top cooking tips and his 5 favourite recipes.

Most of my best recipes come from my own cooking which I like to do for myself. I like using a different mix of spices. One of my best meals would be my cream of vegetable soup, it’s a great winter meal.

Here are my top 5 dishes I like to cook:

1. Mixed vegetable salad
2. Pasta
3. Mixed vegetable creamy soup
4. Mixed fruit salad
5. Vegetable pie with mash 

Here are some of my photos of my cooking and meals out I’ve had.

Thanks for the great advice Vinay!

Vinay has also written blogs on swimming and his winter exercise tips.

If you have a story about something you enjoy doing to be healthier, we want to hear about it! Please email us at to find out how your story could be on our website.