We recently met with the Down’s Syndrome Associations Down2Earth magazine editor, Kate to find out a little bit about what she likes to do…
Hi Kate, tell us a little bit about yourself?
My name is Kate Powell. I am the Down2Earth editor. Its a magazine for people with Down’s syndrome who write in and send stories about their lives it allowed people with Down’s syndrome to be heard.
What do you enjoy about being Editor of Down2Earth?
It’s good to look through all of the different stories by people with Down’s syndrome its nice to other people views people lives and hobbies.
What do you do outside of work?
I do theatre group called the Baked Beans musical theatre group. I do swimming and dance spend time with family. I also part of a dance company too.
What is your favourite meal?
Pasta with veggie meatballs.
What is your favourite hobby/activity?
What is your favourite author/poet?
T. S. Eliot
How about your favourite theatre play/film?
Cats and Nanny McPhee
What advice would you give someone who wants to get a job?
- Speak clearly,
- be always on time,
- good dress sense.
Thank you to Kate for taking the time to speak to us for this guest blog!
DSActive is always looking for guest blogs to feature on our website. If you are involved in physical activity or sport, or you’ve completed a challenge, no matter how big or small, we want to hear about it! Email the team at dsactive@downs-syndrome.org.uk