This is a guest blog from Joseph. Joseph is very fit and enjoys going to the gym and playing sports. We asked him to tell us a bit more about his busy life and what his advice is for anyone else wanting to be more active.
Joseph…can you tell us a little bit about yourself? How old are you? Are you at school or college?
Hi my name is Joseph and I have 3 older brothers and I’m 18 years old but I will be 19 soon. I go to college and I’m doing lots of work experience.
What do you enjoy doing?
I like playing Minecraft and I want to do a blog on Minecraft. I am an expert at Minecraft. I like to visit the gym to do lots of cardio and other muscles and also I do swimming to keep practising to get better. I also go out in the afternoon to go for runs and I do 2.5k and 5k to get much better and I do lots of walking up hills and down hills.
What are your ambitions?
I want to do more work experience to get much better. I want to get a job and I want to rent a flat. I would like to work in a hotel or a supermarket or on Minecraft. I would like to train other people like my best body coach Joe Wicks.
Tell us about your training regime? How often do you meet your personal trainer? Are you training for
something in particular?
Monday – Cycling
Tuesday – Personal Training session
Wednesday – Swimming and Kayaking in holiday
Thursday – Running
Friday – Running
Saturday – Personal Training session
Sunday – Run in the park every month or walk/run on Dartmoor
I normally see my Personal Trainer on Tuesday’s and she makes me do lots of cardio and she helps me to lose fat more and keep slim. I sometimes run on the treadmill but not all the time because I go outside to run in the park with her and sometimes on my own. I like doing burpees and star jumps/high knees. I’m training to do 5k race and my 2.5k run as well. I do the 2.5k park run every month.
I normally see my other Personal Trainer on Saturday, well I do bicep/triceps/chest/back and legs and glutes most times. I’m training to do the glow in the park run in Exeter in November and that’s 5k and other 5k runs or longer races if I get really good with no rests.
I also train with my brothers sometimes.
Do you play sports?
I do cycling/kayaking/gym/swiming/running. I train everyday, and all my sports help me improve my running.
What’s your favourite meal?
Chicken stir fry or steak/chips and I’m trying to give up chips.
Do you have any advice for anyone else who wants to get fit?
Work for it and to work hard to get much fitter and stronger. Because its good for you if you never give up and keep on training. And you may feel a bit tired or yawned out but it will make you lose fat more and make you feel healthy.
Thank you Joseph for your great advice!
If you play any sports, are involved in any activities, or are training for any events then we would like to hear from you. Please email the DSActive team on