A trip to Cheshire

Back in 2015, the DSActive team met with Egerton FC and Cheshire Down’s Syndrome Support Group to launch a DSActive football session with the club. To celebrate the session successfully reaching its third year, one of the DSActive team joined in with one their sessions.

The session started with a really fun warm up before moving into some drills to work on specific skills. This week the players were working on their shooting, there were some fantastic goals being scored!

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the sessions is the social element. Not only do the players get the chance to make new friends, but the parents get to meet other parents with children with Down’s syndrome. This helps build a community and this particular session is a great example of this.

The session has been so important to many of the players as this one parent explained to us: the session has been fantastic for my son, it has built his confidence up so much and he really loves coming to play football. Not only has it helped him socialise at the football session, it has also given him the confidence to socialise outside of football. The coaches are absolutely fantastic with the players and I love watching everyone.

To find out more about the session please contact the DSActive team on dsactive@downs-syndrome.org.uk or call 0333 1212 300.

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